Each year Jon usually attends a produce conference at the end of October. Two years ago it was in Anaheim and Reed and I tagged along. Last year I was uber-pregnant and took the boys up to my parents' cabin while Jon was out of town. This year it was back in Anaheim so we decided to attempt our first road trip with both boys. The ride down was a bit longer than we had hoped. A lot of traffic and an out of the way pit stop for a potty training toddler both added to our time. After the potty stop I got in the backseat for the last hour of the drive. I fed Kieran grape chunks and tried to keep Reed entertained. I was moderately successful and we eventually made it to Orange where the boys and I were going to be spending the rest of the weekend with my roommate from college and her kids Alyson and Walker (her husband was out of town on business as well). I've been itching to get down to Southern California to meet her 3 month old baby boy - at the rate that this kid is growing I knew I didn't have much longer before he was out of the "baby" stage.

The first night anywhere is usually really rough, but the boys did well Friday night (as well as the next two nights). Kieran went to sleep right around 7:30, followed by Reed who went to bed a little after 8:00 and was asleep by 9:30. At 3:00 Reed woke, went potty, and then went straight back to sleep. Kieran woke at 5:00 nursed, went back to sleep, and then was up for good at 6:00. This is even more impressive when you realize that Jon, Reed, Kieran, and I were all sleeping in the same room. The next day we decided an outing to the park would be a great way to spend our morning.
Kieran trying out a tricycle when we got back |
On Sunday morning one of our mutual friends brought her two daughters over. Reed had fun following them around, but the girls weren't so sure about letting him in on any of their play. Kieran slept through the entire visit. In the afternoon Reed, Alyson, and Kieran played in the backyard. Favorites were playdoh and the play house which includes an espresso machine and full kitchen. Then we took a walk around their neighborhood to check out all of the great Halloween decorations.
Alyson loved "babysitting" Kieran |
We had a nice picnic dinner in the front yard and after bath time we attempted to get a picture of all four kids together. You can imagine how well that went!!!
Monday morning Jon arrived back from his conference, we packed up the car, said our goodbyes, and headed North. Lucky for us two of Jon's roommates from college now live in LA. Marli, Adam, Cole, Caden, Stacey, and Ella (I didn't get a picture of Ella even though she had a great time playing too) met us at a play space Marli knew of and had arranged. The kids all had a great time playing together and the adults got a few hours of catching up in. I think everyone would have loved to spend more time together but lunch and naps were definitely needed for the Littles.
Reed and Cole playing with a clown |
Dress Up |
Racing |
Marli entertaining my boys and holding Caden (3 monhs) |
Both Reed and Kieran were asleep within minutes of getting in the car and slept for the next two hours. This meant when they woke we had just an hour left of driving. They were both a little fussy and wanted out of the car, but we managed to make it home in good time so it wasn't too bad. Kieran was extra clingy and finally I had to hand him off to Jon while I finished making dinner. He just kept reaching out his arm and then saying "mooooommmm, mom, mom, mom, mmmmmmoooooooommmm!!!"