Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, October 6, 2014

P is for Pumpkin... and Patch... and Pictures

We have a busy few weeks ahead of us so we decided on Saturday to take advantage of a quiet day at home and make our annual trek to the Pumpkin Patch. Reed is a pumpkin veteran at this point and was very good about sitting on the tractor and posing for pictures, taking a ride on the steam train, and then picking out pumpkins for everyone (his favorite part). I wasn't sure what Kieran would think, but he did great. He managed not to fall off of the tractor and we got a few cute solo pictures of him, the steam train basically put him to sleep even though he had just taken a nap, and he LOVED the pumpkins - screeching "bah, bah, bah" as he looked from orange "ball" to orange "ball."

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