He continues to adore his brother, eating anything Reed feeds him, and asking for "braw-er" as soon as he wakes in the morning. They regularly fall to the ground because one is trying to hug the other and Kieran has even used Reed to pull up to standing a couple of times. One thing Kieran has probably been doing forever that I just took notice of is that he tucks one leg up when you hold him on your hip. It is so subtle but definitely something he does all of the time, Mr. Flamingo!!! He also loves to cuddle and nuzzle when he is tired or just waking up.
This month we bit the bullet and tried dairy (in the form of cheese) with Kieran. I had a knot in my stomach the first time we gave it to him, but he did great, absolutely no reaction and I breathed a huge sigh of relief.
Monthly Statistics
Weight: 19lbs 6oz
Height: I'll update this next month, but I think this boy is still pretty tall for his age
Clothing Size: Tops are all 12 month, his 9 month pants are way too short, but the 12-18 month bottoms fall right off of him. Pajamas are a mix of 6-12 month and 12-18 month.
Teeth: 3.5- 2 bottom front, 1 top front, and 1 top front that keeps poking through and then recessing back up into his poor little gums.
Kieran likes: Playing peek-a-boo, eating, taking Dodger for walks, bath time, balls, watching Reed do anything and attacking him as well, VTech tow truck, watching anyone brush their teeth, taking naps, dance parties, being tossed in the air, story time (especially his favorite - I Love you Through and Through book), tickles, crawling/climbing/getting around on his own, touching people's noses, drumming on anything but especially trash cans, opening cupboards, playing guitar with Dad, being held by Mom, and Perrito his stuffed animal pacifier.
Kieran dislikes: Diaper changes, being taken out of the bathtub, and getting things taken away from him.
Food: New additions this month have included: Sausage, bagels, raisins, cheese, sunbutter, spinach, pumpkin, and bacon.
Nicknames: Kier, K, K Dawg, K-Man, K-Bug, Bug, Kierito, Buddy, Buddy Bear, Smalls, Cuddle Bug, and Goldilocks.
How Kieran is sleeping: Bedtime is almost always 7:30 and he sleeps through the night until around 5:00 usually (sometimes there is a 1:00 or 3:00 wake-up). He nurses and usually goes back to sleep until between 6:00 and 7:00am. He takes two naps one around 9:00 and another around 1:30 both lasting 1.5-2hours.
Words: Momma/Mom, bawl (ball), braw-er (brother), blu (blueberry), uhhh (up), and buh (book).
Favorite Moment: Kieran has loved Reed from day one but this month he took it to a new level. He now requests Reed as soon as he wakes in the morning or from a nap repeating "braw-er" over and over again. Once Reed is awake in the morning K loves to play peek-a-boo with him by squatting by the side of Reed's bed and jumping up laughing right in Reed's face.
09/07/14 Kieran starts to cruise with only one had supporting him
09/08/14 K starts mimicking what we are saying by copying me singing "Mmmm Bop"
09/11/14 The Bug does his first cheers
09/13/14 It was kind of a fluke, but he stood independently for 5 seconds
09/23/14 Kieran FINALLY starts crawling on his knees (upgrading from the Army crawl)
10/02/14 K's first formal dinner out in a nice restaurant
Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake: The bald spot documented!
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