Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Celebrating Gran

Gran's Birthday was earlier this week and while I won't say which Birthday this one was, I will say it deserved an extra special celebration. Gran is one of the classiest ladies you will ever meet - how she puts up with all of her Grandchildren, their significant others, and her Great Grandchildrens' shenanigans is beyond me. I do think under that prim and proper exterior must be a pretty good sense of humor though. Her Birthday celebration started at C and Tio's house. We were able to let the Kiddos burn off a little energy, give her a balloon and homemade card from Reed, and she opened a great photo album C had put together of the whole family.


We left the house to head into town for an amazing private dinner that Pepe and Nonna had arranged at Bella Rose. Before we sat down there was another gift for Gran, a photographer to take family pictures out in the garden. I really hope they turn out because it was a beautiful setting, a lovely evening, and without knowing we had all color coordinated in blues, greys, and blacks !!! Reed was great during dinner, devouring his and Jon's shrimp cocktail appetizer and even trying a spinach salad. Kieran had a little rougher go of it, but showed off his new ability to "cheers" so that was adorable.

After dinner we dropped the kids back at our house with C, Tio, and Lyla and went to an Elvis Impersonator show with the rest of the group (C and Tio live next door and have seen the show before). Gran was a great sport, even smiling when Elvis gave her his sweaty scarf.

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