Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Fifteen Months

I can hardly believe that the kid that "just" turned one is already fifteen months old. This month has been a bit of a roller coaster in the Kieran department. One night he sleeps through the night, the next he is up three times. One day he is as happy as a clam, the next he is fussy all day long. He also thinks he should be able to do everything Reed does so he gets easily frustrated when that isn't allowed or he tries and fails at something. Tantrums are happening more often now, but usually involve loud crying or body flailing that only last a minute. Thank goodness we have only experienced these melt downs at home and have been spared the public spectacle so far. K is suddenly very opinionated as well. He will shake his head yes or no when asked a question and is learning new signs and words everyday to help better express himself.

Monthly Statistics

Weight: 22.5 lbs

Height: 31.25 in

Clothing Size:  Pants are 12-18 month, tops are 18-24 month, and pajamas are both sizes.

Shoe size: Size 5

Teeth: 8 - 4 on the bottom and 4 on the top.

Kieran likes: Taking Dodger for walks, eating, using utensils, swings, slides, bath time, balls, trying to play with Reed, taking naps, dance parties, story time and books, tickles, his play kitchen, opening cupboards, sorting and stacking toys, playing guitar with Dad, being held by Mom, getting into the ottoman, playing outside, Signing Time DVDs, his quilt from Auntie Amanda that he sleeps with, and Perrito his stuffed animal pacifier.

Kieran dislikes: Diaper changes, being put in his car seat, having his clothes changed, long car rides, having his face wiped, being held when he wants to be doing something else, and getting things taken away from him. I would like to add that the diaper changes have gone from bad to horrible and this is a kid who regularly poops 4 times a day. I dread the battle that lays ahead every time I smell a dirty diaper of his!

Food: Favorites right now are avocado, most fruits, string cheese, yogurt, pasta, bagels, granola bars, dried fruit, mashed potatoes, pretzels, fruit/veggie purees, hemp milk, muffins, rice, and peas. Dislikes are most vegetables and he is still hit or miss with meat. He also tried shellfish successfully for the first time this last month.

Nicknames: Kier, K, K Dawg, K-Man, Bug, Bugger, Kierito, and Goldilocks.

How Kieran is sleeping: Kieran typically goes to bed between 7:30 and 7:45pm. He gets up for good between 6:00 and 6:30am, some nights sleeping straight through and others waking 1-3 times. He takes two naps; one around 9:30am lasting about two hours and another around 2:30pm lasting 1.5-2hours.

Words: Appp-pull (apple), baawl (ball), banba (banana), bla-ber (blackberry), blu (blueberry), buh (book), bop, braw-er (brother), bye bye, catsh/gat (cat), cheg (change), chee (used for both cheers and cheese), chakin (chicken), cracker, dada, dawyer (Dodger), duck, ahh (eye), Mom/Momma, mo (more), pra-el (pretzel), choos (shoes), yocks (socks), bop/top (stop), uh oh, up, nah-der (water), yah (yes). He also says "baa" when he wants his pacifier.

Signs:  All done, ball, banana, bird, bread, change, cheese, dog, eat, fish, go, hat, milk, more, potty, shoes, sleep, socks, stop, thank you, train, wash hands, water, yes.

Favorite Moment:
I read a few books to Kieran before I lay him down for his naps. One day I paused during one of the lines of the book and he filled in the "bop" I had stopped before saying. I couldn't believe my ears but he has done it every time since. It's a rhyming book so he fills in "bop" and "stop" and hasn't been able to do it with any other words or books, but I think it is so neat and of course absolutely adorable!

01/07/15   First time ever going without an overnight feeding
01/09/15   Kieran starts dribbling a soccer ball with his feet
01/14/15   K drinks the last of my pumped milk
01/19/15   The Bug signs "potty" and then poops in his diaper

Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake:

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