Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, February 16, 2015

Let's catch up

The past few weeks have gone by quickly but some of the days just seemed horribly long. Kieran has been transitioning to one nap a day, we all ended up sick in one way or another, and Jon was gone for an entire week on a work trip to Chile.

On the Monday that he left the boys stood at the front door kissing the windows for a few minutes after he drove away, it was very sweet, and a little sad. I felt horrible all day and ended up taking medicine (which I never do). Of course I had a bad reaction to it which landed me on the bathroom floor with a horrible headache throwing up. Luckily Nonna was at C's and could come over for a few hours until I was back to feeling just regular sick.

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. Reed decided he liked salad, Kieran decided he likes to climb onto things and act like a big boy, I got caught up in the garden thanks to a very helpful three year old, K had his 15 month check-up, Reed (and Pooh) and I had a slumber party, and we all missed Dad, a lot.

Up in the toddler tower all by myself!
Gardening Assistant
Up in a big chair all by myself!

Slumber parties have to have popcorn and a movie

Drinking water out of a lid-less cup all by myself!
Jon got home on Sunday and was great about spending time with the boys while I cooked and did some chores solo. Unfortunately our reunited family bliss was short lived when he developed a fever and ended up in bed the whole next day. Jon finally was feeling better towards the end of the week and so on Thursday he took the day off. We thought taking the boys to the farm show would be a blast but Reed was completely unimpressed by the giant tractors (he wanted to see Combines), and thought the "pictures of animals were boring compared to real animals." He did think the ATV course was "okay" though. Kieran however loved everything. He was content people watching and looking at the tractors, loved watching the trucks run an obstacle course, and was mesmerized by a sticker applying machine. 

Farmer in Training

Pepe's Birthday is actually today but we celebrated last night with a barbecue. Gran and Papa even made the trek down for the evening. Pepe said all he wanted to do for his Birthday was have dinner and then hang out in the pool house drinking whisky and playing games with Reed. C, Tio, Jon, and I agreed to having it at his house as long as we could cook dinner. This was good in theory but as anyone who's ever eaten at H's house knows it is pretty hard to keep him out of the kitchen. C and Jon did most of the cooking and Pepe wasn't too bad; only micro-managing the fry making and checking on the burger cooking. After dinner Reed and I made strawberry shortcakes for everyone and the Kiddo even managed to walk the bowl with the lit candle over to Pepe while singing Happy Birthday. The night ended in the pool house as requested. While there was gift opening and the boys playing with Valentines swords (gifted by Pepe and Nonna *with reservations*) Lyla stole the show with her adorable, on-demand excited face!

Cousin play time

Cheers Pepe!!!

Here Lyla, let me get that cuddly guy back for you


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