Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

What Reed Says Winter 2014/2015 Edition

Over the last few months Reed has somehow continued to expand his vocabulary. He also knows his numbers from 1-10 and can count up to 20 once in awhile. He can identify uppercase and lowercase versions of almost all letters. He loves learning and when you can get him to sit still long enough he will zip through a workbook made for a five year old. Of course I think he is a Superstar but he also has had a pretty bad temper lately - often screeching, kicking, and sometimes even throwing things over seemingly mundane problems. We are really working with him to use words to solve problems and reminding him that Kieran learns from watching his Big Brother and that he wouldn't want Kieran kicking or throwing things at him. Enough about the rollercoaster that is a "threenager" here are all of the cute/funny things he's come up with lately.

Before Christmas I told Reed that some Moms and Dad's don't have enough extra money to buy their kids presents and asked if we should buy them something. He told me "don't worry Mom Santa will still get them presents."

Jon and I were talking about people using hashtags on social media in front of Reed. Apparently he picked up on our conversation and a little later told me "hashtag I love you."

The kiddo refers to letters as uppercase and downercase.

One night at dinner I had removed Kieran's shirt after he had spilled something all over it. He started rubbing his bare chest and Reed declared that "Kieran is nipping his pulls."

Back in January when we were at the zoo Jon read a fact board about sea lions to Reed. I was across the way at another board and said it was my turn to read more interesting animal facts. Reed replied "those weren't interesting those were boring facts."

One morning I heard that Reed was awake in his room. I went in to say good morning and overheard him say "Hi Big Daddy" when I looked he was talking to Pooh.

I was buckling Reed in the car seat and tossed a toy out of the car into the stroller. He asked me why I had done that and I told him it was in case Dad put Kieran in the stroller to take Dodger for a walk (instead of the carrier I usually have him in). Reed then told me that "Dad breaks all of the rules and Mom knows all of the rules."

One morning I got into a bit of a question/answer conversation with the Monkey. It went like this:
Reed:Who made you? 
Me: Grandma and Grandpa.
Reed: How did they make you?
Me: I'm not sure you'll have to ask them
Reed: What was Grandma's job?
Me: To carry me in her belly for 9 months and help me pop.
Reed: What was Grandpa's job?
Me: I'm not sure.
Reed: Well what was the first step in making you?
Me: Look Reed, what is Dodger doing?

Reed and I went to a Mommy and Me yoga class last month. On our way to Fresno we ended up behind Pepe's business partner. I pointed out the big truck to Reed and said that was Pepe's friend Mr. Jensen. He then got really excited and asked me if he was "going to Mommy and Me yoga too?" This is ten times funnier if you know Mike who is a very stereotypical farmer.

Reed is obsessed with Mario Brothers characters and is constantly talking about them. One day he told me that Princess Peach's catsuit is pink. To which I asked "so she wears a peach dress but a pink catsuit?" Not missing a beat he returned "yeah, she's pretty spiffy!"

During a Sunday dinner Reed started devouring some sliced up pineapple. He has been offered pineapple a ton of times but has never wanted it. When someone asked if he liked pineapple he declared that it wasn't pineapple but "reptile strawberries!!!"

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