Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A Belated Gillette Christmas

Since we weren't able to get together over the Holidays, Grandma and Grandpa hosted a dinner for the Gillette side of the family last weekend. Aunt Jana drove up from Southern California and we finally got to see Baby Ben again too. The boys had fun playing with everyone and Reed even convinced Auntie M and Hunky Kevin to play an intense game of Memory. Somehow I managed to get at least one picture of everyone, but somehow missed Hunky Greg, who was definitely there. Ben got his fair share of snuggles in and apparently the Little Guy has a thing for beards and/or Jon because he seriously stared at him for five minutes straight - enough for a lot of us to notice and even make Jon smile!!!
Reed entertaining Aunt Jana and Aunt Penny

Lots of things to explain to Uncle Mark

Great Grandma Didi holding Ben

Kieran thinks Grandpa and Aunt Penny are soooo funny!

Reed explaining how Water Wow books work to Hunky Kevin

Ben vs. Jon stareoff

Check out that Cutie in Grandma's arms

Great Papa Dean and Aunt Jana

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