New Years Eve started out well with a visit from Aunt Penny. Since our Gillette Christmas party had been postponed she wanted to come by to see the boys and give them their Christmas presents. They each got a pair of pajamas (matching of course) and personalized pillow case. They loved her surprise visit and were so excited when I told them I would wash the pajamas so they could wear them later that night. We had decided we would let the boys stay up as long as they could but when Kieran fell asleep during lunch I started to have my doubts that he would make it much past bedtime.
New Year's Eve night a small group of our friends came over and we had a great time celebrating the end of 2015. It's pretty fun now that a lot of the kids are to the toddler and older stage. We had a dance party with glow sticks, let the boys jump on Kieran's bed (for some reason the girls were not into this at all), and attempted to take pictures with some photo booth props.
Reed, Jeffrey, Kieran, and Connor jumping on the bed |
Denae helping Rory get in on the bed jumping action |
Eli and Clara |
Ashley helping Eli with her photo prop |
Attempt at a group shot - Eli, Connor, Kieran, Clara, and Reed |
Cameron chatting it up with K |
Shannon and a snoozing baby Emmett |
By 9:00 pm most of the people with kids were gone and Kieran had told us he was tired and was sound asleep in his bed. Clara and Reed however were in for the long haul, so we set them up with a bunch of blankets and pillows in our recliners. Jeffrey got his own bean bag for a while before Mikael and Erin decided it was time to head out too. It was adorable to overhear the conversations Clara and Reed had and so cute that they can now have completely independent interactions, it really does make them seem like big kids! The Parkinsons were the last to leave at just a little before midnight. We decided we would all like to ring in the New Year in our own houses and then be in bed by 12:05!!! That meant Jon, Reed, and I rung in 2016 together, gave each other kisses, and then went to bed. Reed was totally confused that there wasn't something bigger that happened but was tired enough he didn't put up too much of a fight when we tucked him in. I'm pretty excited for 2016 as we are entering into unchartered territory - this month marks the oldest, youngest child (does that make sense?) we've had in almost 4.5 years, it really is the beginning of a new chapter and I think we have a lot of great adventures ahead of us.
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