Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Saturday, January 2, 2016

The last of the Celebrations

Aunt Lynette and Uncle Allan decided that instead of doing dinner Christmas night they would instead host a brunch the day after Christmas this year. I think it was one of the best turnouts for McClarty Christmas ever, with only two of the cousins (and their spouses/kids) missing. I'm really sorry I didn't take a picture of the spread they put together - it was amazing!!! After brunch we did a food themed gift exchange which Reed loved helping open presents for and then each of the kids received a blanket as a gift from Lynette and Allan. It was perfect timing because Kieran and Lyla were due for naps and had started to lay on the floor, ironically Kieran didn't ever fall asleep and other than the twenty minute snooze on the way up he didn't get a nap that day. Another day of celebrating seemed kind of daunting heading into the Holidays but it was nice to enjoy the whole party instead of arriving in the middle or after the meal which is usually what ends up happening, so day three of celebrations was definitely a success!!!

Pepe's three sisters - Margie, Paula, and Lynette
The kids excited to see Pepe and Nonna arrive
K trying out Tammi's new rocking chair
Part of the Gang

Tim posing in his new Cinderella apron

Sunday was Papa's 85th Birthday and we were all happy to get together again to help him celebrate the milestone. The boys were a bit grumpy when we arrived, but Reed quickly warmed up and couldn't stop telling some of his tall tales. Pepe made a delicious dinner and Papa loved having almost all of the family (TJ was sick) gathered in his honor. All three kids took turns telling Papa "Happy Birthday" and also sang to him when his cake was lit. You could really tell how happy they made him! Tio figured out a new way to entertain the kids - spin them on their backs - think turtles turned over on their shells, which was pretty hilarious. We were actually meant to have Gillette Christmas the next day, Monday, but Grandma got really sick so it has been postponed a few weeks so Papa's party was officially the last in a four day marathon of celebratory events. There were definitely some ups and downs but overall I think we all had fun and enjoyed spending time with all of our extended family.

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