Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, August 22, 2016

End of Summer Catch-up

In the last two weeks the boys have had their last swim lessons with Morgan, Gran and Papa joined us for Sunday dinner, we had Auntie M, Ben, and Auntie Amanda over for lunch, and Lyla spent a fun morning with me and the boys. I managed to snap a few pictures here and there so I thought I would share.

Reed's drawing for Morgan - him and K in the pool with goggles and Morgan with a bun

Kieran loving Gran reading to him

Four generations playing an intense game of checkers

The toys and blanket the boys setup for Baby Ben to play

All three kids on Dodger's walk

Lyla and Aunt Sarah with matching hairdos

Three Big Kids - no one wanted to use the booster chair

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