Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Fun Day - Superhero Style

This year's Fun Day theme was Superheroes. It was fun to see all of the costumes everyone came up with, and some people even created their own heroes. I didn't do as well as I did last year with family photos (I was still trying to snap family shots as people were leaving), but between Pepe and I, we still managed to get some pretty great pictures. Once again we recruited local grandparents to help with the kids while we adults did an obstacle course, beer hunt, and water ball launch. After the competition there was swimming, pizza, a water slide, and various outdoor games. Everyone I've talked to said they had a great time so I think we can say it was another success!!!

White Team: Steve, Amanda, Melissa, Kevin, Russell, Laurie, Shannon, Kevin, Brooke, George, Denae, Deric

Black Team: Yayo, Ashley, Michael, Laura, Mason, Lindsay, Andrea, Carlos, Allison, Chris, and Beth and Casey in front

Blue Team: Back row - Jon, Sarah, Justin, Lynne, Vince Front row - Natalie, Billy, Stacey, (Ella), Mark, Erin, and Mikael

College Friends: Jon, Mark, Justin, Vince, Mikael

Group Shot

My Hulks

The Stoothoffs

The Burchetts

The Derbys

The fountain was an unfortunate casualty during the beer hunt

Mikael and Jeffrey

The Mounts

The Siegels

The Rodriguez Family

Bailey and Laurie

The Johnsons

The Parkinsons

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