Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, August 15, 2016

Kieran Says Summer 2016 Edition

Kieran continues to have a great personality. He is a little jokester and is constantly making me laugh and that smile, oh that smile of his!!! Right now he likes to do a robot voice which is pretty spot on and also make others do a robot voice by squeezing their nose. He has started to talk in his sleep and I've even been able to make out what he's been saying a few times, it's usually a conversation with Reed or Lyla and it's adorable, even if he's yelling "no, Thumper is my cuddly guy!!!" or "Reed thinks that guy is Ultron but it's Cyborg!"

Out of nowhere Kieran asked me "do you know what my funny button does?" Without waiting for an answer he lifted his shirt, pressed one of his nipples and started acting crazy.

Now if you ask K when his Birthday is he'll usually say November but for the last few months he would answer "No-September" to make sure we knew his Birthday was a different month than Reed's.

One evening I got up from the dinner table and Kier yelled at me "Mom Scott McClarty sit back down right now or I'll take TV away from you!" (Sometimes imitation is not the sincerest form of flattery).

Another night The Bug crashed out of his kitchen chair, landed on the floor, and then threw his hands up in the air and yelled "ta-dah!!!"

Our runs to the bathroom when Kieran has to poop can be quite frantic sometimes. One day I said "pull your pants and underwear down and I'll get the potty setup" as we ran into the bathroom. He responded with "I can't, I have a hard time with Mom skills."

I was strolling through Target with K and when we walked passed the bra section there was a display of push-up bras. He immediately started pointing at them and yelling "Mom those are your boobs!"

Kier and I have a Starbucks date once a week. We sit out on the patio and chat most of the time and usually a stranger comments on how cute/smart/funny he is, I can't really argue with them! His new thing is to tell anyone that will listen that "Mom's coffee has go-go in it!"

I was hustling around the kitchen making dinner, turned around, and ran straight into our kitchen counter. Kieran saw the whole thing and in a totally amazed voice said "that was a Ninja Turtle move!"

We walked to the park with my friend Denae and her son Rory (who's 18 months old) after dropping the older kids at preschool. Apparently The Bug decided he needed to show off because within minutes of getting there he yelled to Rory "hey watch my moves" and then started rolling around in wood chips doing karate chops.

I needed to pick up a few things at a hardware store so I asked K if he would like to walk to Ace Hardware or get in the car and drive to Home Depot, I explained if we went to Home Depot I could get some rocks but they weren't at Ace. He told me he wanted to walk to Ace and so we did. The moment we walked through the big sliding doors he had a full blown, throw himself on the ground, tantrum and started screaming "not Ace, I want to go to Home Depot." I'm not sure, but I think those might be the worst words you can say inside an Ace Hardware!!!

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