Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Reed's First Party of 2017

Going in to Reed's Birthday he was insistent on having a Hot Wheels themed party and a three-layer cake. Since Reed just started at a new school, still goes to his old preschool some afternoons, is friends with a lot of our friend's kids, and is on a soccer team with some kids he knows, I wasn't sure who'd he'd want to invite to a party, but I went ahead and asked. Surprisingly he just wanted to invite a handful of kids (just some of our friend's children) and said he didn't want to invite any school friends because he was meeting new friends in his class and some of his old friends are in other classes and he wasn't sure who he should invite. Since this was going to make my life WAY easier I was immediately on board! I also surprised Reed with a bounce house, that he was ecstatic about, and convinced him cupcakes were better for a crowd of kids. At one point Kieran decided it was cupcake time and went and picked up the entire storage container with them in it. By the time they made it to me they were a hot mess, but the kiddos didn't seem to mind. We partied past sunset so the kids got to play with flashlights which they loved. Reed had so much fun and all of the kids had a great time together.



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