Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Four Years

Kieran has become such a kid in the last few months. Sometimes I forget that he is a full two years younger than Reed because he is capable of doing so many of the same things. He is very determined and when he puts his mind to something he makes it happen. The Kiddo has such a great sense of humor and a twinkle in his eye that I know is going to get him in trouble as he gets older. He is however very sweet and likes to follow rules.

K tells it like it is and has no patience for someone being overly emotional, especially Reed. Jon laughs out loud at Kieran all of the time and Jon has very high standards when it comes to comedy! Kier and I have one day at home together each week and I love our time together. We usually go on a coffee, smoothie, or lunch date and chat away about all of the things he is finding interesting in life. Whenever I see K interact with people whether it be kids, parents, or someone he is just meeting I'm usually so proud of the way he handles himself and the polite, kind kid he is becoming. We cuddle in bed every night and talk about our day and then give each other a big hug and say "love you so, so much!" There really is no better way to describe my feelings for our sweet boy!

Interesting Facts

Weight: 34 lbs

Height: 40.5 in

Clothing Size:  Mainly 4T tops and pajamas, he can still fit in 2T and 3T shorts, and we go back and forth between 3T and 4T pants but both are big around the waist for this skinny kid!

Shoe Size: 10

Kieran likes: Playing with Reed, especially Superheroes, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Hot Wheels. He loves playing soccer, riding his Strider bike, and doing anything outside. Screen time favorites are Peppa Pig, Paw Patrol, Stinky and Dirty, movie nights and watching soccer and baseball with Jon. He also loves craft projects and building with his magna-tiles.

Dislikes: Overall Kieran is a pretty easy going kid, there isn't anything that he detests but we do seem to have an argument (or 5) every morning about something like not having yogurt or giving him a toasted waffle instead of a frozen waffle, etc.

Nicknames: Kier, K, K-Bug

Food: The Bug loves typical kid food - pizza, hot dogs, mac 'n cheese, quesadillas, and French fries. He also loves less typical kid food like specialty cheeses, dried fruits, nuts, olives, hard boiled eggs, and fancy crackers. At home he sticks to mainly a Reed friendly diet - drinking hemp milk, eating pea protein yogurt, and other allergy friendly food.

Communication: Kieran is a great communicator, he has a huge vocabulary, and can (kind of) write his name. He still has a hard time pronouncing certain sounds and we still joke that he sounds like a kid from Boston sometimes. While he's inquisitive we somehow managed to avoid the "why" phase with this one! He knows all upper and lower case letters and the sounds most of them make .

Favorite Color(s): Red

Best Friends: He is obsessed with Connor and talks about him all of the time. He and Reed are also very close and he typically plays with Lyla and Jeffrey at preschool.

Favorite Number: 4

How K is sleeping:  He goes to bed around 7:30 pm and sleeps until between 6:00 and 7:00am most mornings. He sleeps in a twin bed, with a night light and sound machine on. In bed he has his blue blankie and a couple stuffed animals. He also manages to squirrel away random toys in his bed almost every night. He has quiet time most afternoons either at school or at home for about an hour and falls asleep about half of the time. 

Milestones over the last six months:
Kieran uses the potty independently most of the time, just needing a little help with wiping
He now sleeps in underwear overnight
Kieran started preschool
K learned to write/spell his name
The Bug played on his first sports team (soccer)
K learned the basics of swimming
He rode his first roller coaster (at the fair)
Kier had his first official Birthday party with friends

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