Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

More Halloween Celebrating

We had a lot going on the afternoon/evening of Halloween. First up was Eli's first Birthday. Ashley and Yayo threw a Halloween party in her honor and we all got to dress up again. The plan was for Reed and Kieran to go as cowboys but Kieran was pretty upset before his nap and randomly requested his Superman shirt. I decided to not start a fight by trying to change him later and just let him be Superman instead. This meant Reed was a little disappointed that he didn't have a cowboy buddy so I dressed up as a cowgirl with him.

Shannon and Clara were Butterflies

Lyla was a knight and Tio (and C) were Dragons

Eli-B the Birthday Bee and Yayo in half of his Beekeeper costume

Bailey the cow and Laurie the Flapper

I got to hold Baby Emmett for quite a while - he was Bam Bam

Kieran aka Superman

Reed and Clara playing together

We only stayed at the Birthday party for about an hour and a half because we had some serious trick-or-treating to do. First we stopped at Uncle Mark and Aunt Penny's house, then Grandma and Grandpa's, and then Nonna and Pepe's. Reed loved hearing that they were the only trick-or-treaters that were going to each of the houses and the boys were of course spoiled with lots of goodies at each stop!

Aunt Penny, Uncle Mark, and Reed trying to get Kieran to join them

Knocking at Grandma and Grandpa's door

Notice Grandpa trying to make K's cape look like he's flying?

Excited to be at Nonna and Pepe's front door (we always use the side door)

The balloons were a HUGE hit

Group shot with Pepe and Nonna
The boys did great getting in and out of their car seats so many times and were totally fine leaving quickly to get back home. I had made chili earlier in the day and Grandma, Grandpa, Nonna, and Pepe all came over to hang out. C, Tio, and Lyla even joined us when there was a change in their plans for the night. As is the case often these days, Kieran ended up half nude but he did great using the potty several times! We ended the night with a glow stick dance party like we did last year and the boys and Lyla had so much fun.

Dinner Gang

Lyla and her other Dragon, C

Lyla LOVED the Chili

I don't know what says Halloween more than a half-naked Superman dancing with glow-sticks

Isn't Lyla the cutest?

Obviously Reed wasn't having any fun!

Pepe and a Superman up way past bedtime

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