Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Friday, November 6, 2015

Twenty-Four Months

Although I've felt these monthly posts were a bit redundant for a while, I still can't believe this is the last one I'll ever write. Don't worry I'll do updates every six months and Kieran has already had a couple of great one liners so there definitely will be "Kieran Says" posts in the near future. Really with this post though, we are closing the "baby" chapter in our lives. Kier is a little boy now and he's only going to continue to grow up. I'm really excited to see the person he becomes and I think our family has a lot of fun times ahead of us, especially since we don't have to cart pack 'n plays, booster chairs, and baby equipment around with us anymore!!!

If you had told me two years ago that our baby boy was going to have ditched his pacifier at 18 months, be sleeping in a big boy bed at 19 months, and be well on his way to being potty trained at two years I probably would have laughed out loud and I really still can't believe that he's done all of these things on his own with very little urging from Mom and Dad. While Jon was away a few weeks ago I basically had Kieran pants/diaper free the entire time and he did great. The first two days we had quite a few accidents but since then we've had no real poop accidents and only the occasional pee accident. The key still is to have him pants free. If we put a diaper or underwear on him he will just go but if he's naked he consistently runs to the potty when he needs to go. This means he does great at home but has a very hard time when we are out and about. To his credit a couple times he's tried after my encouraging and once even successfully told me he needed to go and then went at Reed's school. So I'm really optimistic that he will be in underwear in the near future.

I didn't mean to write an entire paragraph on K's potty skills, but it really is the hot topic in our house right now. I will say that the way Kieran has completed our family is so perfect I really can't imagine it any other way. He is either the wildest, easy going person or the most easy going, wild person I've ever met. He loves to dance, scale book shelves, shriek, wrestle, run, and get uber-dirty, but at the same time he'll gladly share any toy with Reed, when asked to do something his reply is usually "k/okay," he clams up when we are in groups of people, and loves to sing a calming yoga song every night at bedtime. K truly marches to the beat of his own drum and he inspires me daily to be a better Mom and can put a smile on my face even when I'm in the worst of moods. I love this Little Guy so much there are no words to describe it!

Monthly Statistics

Weight: 25.5 lbs

Height: 35 inches

Clothing Size:  Tops and pajamas are 2T and we are still fighting the war of pants that are either too short (12-18 months) or too big around the waist (18-24 months and 2T).

Shoe size: Size 7

Teeth: 16, still waiting for those last four molars to show up.

Kieran likes: Doing anything with Dodger, snacking, playing with bubbles, bath time, climbing up or on anything, balls, trying to play with Reed, Legos, playing in the tent, dance parties, reading books, playing outside, making silly faces with Dad, digging and playing in the dirt, doing "airplane" with Mom, hanging out with Lyla, going down slides, looking at pictures on my phone or that hang around the house, his special stuffed animals Gino the Gorilla and Max the Monkey, and his beloved Cal Poly hat.

Kieran dislikes: Diaper changes, being told no, and not being allowed to do things for himself.

Food: Kieran loves fruit and all carbs, he's been doing well with meat lately, and will usually give a vegetable a shot but rarely likes them.

Nicknames: Kier, K, K-Bug, Bug, Bugger, Kierito, and Bug-a-boo.

Favorite Color: Yellow

How Kieran is sleeping: Kieran typically goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:00 pm. We've had another  month of early wake-ups meaning he is regularly up around 5:15 am, sometimes earlier, rarely later. I'm working on him understanding the colors on his Tot Clock, but usually he is up because he has to go potty so I'm not going to fight the battle too much until he is fully potty trained. He takes one nap, going down between 12:30 and 1:00 pm and usually sleeps for 2 hours. He sleeps on a mattress on the floor with a couple of cuddly guys, a blanket, and a sound machine.

Communication: Kier has really started to string words together this last month. He regularly says mini-sentences that are four, five, six plus words long. I think he's still a little hard for others to understand and I even get caught up on a word or two sometimes but overall I believe he is speaking more clearly and getting his point across quite well these days. His vocabulary is endless and I can't think of anything around the house that he doesn't know the name of. He's even started to use some pretty complicated words properly like "combination." He also can count from 1 to 10 and almost to 20 and has started to be able to identify some of his ABCs.

Favorite Moment: Earlier this week I stopped by the office quickly with Kieran. There was a meeting about to start and Kieran was being super clingy around the big group of people and wouldn't answer any of the questions they asked, but when Jon walked into the room he got a big smile on his face, pointed to him, and said "that's Dad" to everyone. It was pretty darn cute!

10/08/15  Kieran attempts his first joke: "knock knock" who's there? "poop nugget" poop nugget who? "poop nugget Dad!!" followed by belly laughs of course
10/10/15   The Bug gets his very own library card
10/15/15   We take K to the Fair for the first time (outside of my belly at least)
10/19/15   Kier attends his first class at the Zoo
10/23/15   K-Bug figures out how to turn on and off light switches while still standing on the floor
10/26/15   For the first time Kieran tells me he has to go pee while we are at home and then later that day tells me he has to pee again while we are picking Reed up from school
10/27/15   Kier decides he should sit in a regular chair for meals (instead of his Booster chair)

Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake:

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