Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Visiting Great Grandpa's Ranch

Reed is off of school all week for Thanksgiving which meant on Monday we had some free time to head to Orange Cove and check out the baby calves that were born last month on Great Grandpa Dean's ranch.  To add to the boys' excitement, Grandpa was able to meet us up there too. I honestly don't know what the boys' favorite part was because they can't stop talking about the whole morning. Riding in the back of Grandpa's truck, the dog eating avocados, picking oranges off of the ground and throwing them into the pasture, the cows eating oranges, going into the pasture with Grandpa and throwing "cow pies," picking oranges and eating them, peeing in the ditch, or seeing a guy riding a horse on the neighboring property. To say they had a blast is an understatement!!!

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