Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

We're Buggin' Out . . . Kieran is 2!!!

Since one of Kieran's most popular nicknames is K-Bug we decided to embrace it and go with a bug theme for K's Birthday party. We kept it to immediate family only and after Reed was such a help with his own party I put him and Kieran to work helping make the decorations for the party. After a couple sessions of finger painting and paint markers I had more than enough material to create a bunch of butterflies, bees, and snails. Reed even helped me make a caterpillar sign with Kieran's name on it and finger painted a giant leaf for another sign. The kids had two favorite things at the party - the worms in dirt cupcakes and the toy bugs and bug nets they get to keep as toys. They also decided the nets work great as people catchers too!!! Kieran's party was great and he got a lot of wonderful toys and adorable outfits, the only bummer was that he was sick. He put up a great front and was in a good mood but he would go lay down on the floor randomly, needed his nose constantly wiped, and his eyes were really glassy. I wish he had felt better but I think he still had a fantastic time. Uncle Kyle, Annaliese, and Haleigh were able to Skype with all of us during the party too, so that was a fun bonus.

Skyping with the Gillettes

Lyla sporting one of the bug crowns Reed helped make

Kids' table

Birthday Boy's table

Reed, C, Kieran, Tio, and Lyla

Birthday Boy with Nonna and Pepe

Grandpa-Bug being caught

Catching Grandma too!!!

Mom and Dad with K-Bug

Kieran, Dad, Papa, and Gran

Great Grandpa, Great Grandma, Kier, and Mom

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