Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Being Part of a Village

Living right down the street from C and Tio, in a town full of friends we've known for years, and in an area where both sets of Grandparents and lots of extended family live, we are part of quite the village.  Not only do I feel very lucky to have so much support available to us, it goes both ways, and I enjoy being able to help others with their kids when I can. This past month Kieran and I took Lyla to music class with us a few times so C and Zach could stay home and get a little quiet time in. I love that Little Bean so much and listening to her and Kieran's conversations in the car is amazing not to mention they are adorable together in class!!!

Shannon and Kevin were in a bind last week when both the Grandmas that watch their kids were out of town at the same time. I had told them I'd be happy to help out and so on Monday Clara and Emmett arrived in the morning, we played for a bit, then Nonna showed up and stayed with the two younger kids while I took Clara and Reed to school and then went in to work for a few hours. I picked the big kids up after school and we headed home to say goodbye to Nonna. At one point in the afternoon I had three of the kids asleep and Reed playing in his room quietly, this of course didn't last for long, but it definitely was a pretty proud moment. Clara and Emmett were great and we had a blast forming a band, launching balloons, playing games, reading books, and having a dance party!!! Kieran keeps asking when Emmett is going to sleep at our house again and Reed wants Clara to come over and play games again soon.

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