Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, October 24, 2016

An Early Halloween Celebration

C and Tio decided they still wanted to host a Halloween party this year even though they just had Zach. Since the weekend of Halloween there is a lot going on they chose to have their party the weekend prior, which worked out really well. They didn't have a theme but still asked everyone to dress up. It took about a week of negotiations between Jon and Reed but we finally settled on a Super Mario Bros. theme for our family costumes. Jon happened to be out of town for a couple of weekends in a row so I spent most of those evenings putting together our looks. I'm so happy with how they turned out, the only exception is in our rush to get everyone dressed Jon and I both failed to put him in his studded bracelets and collar, he still looked great, but I can't help but think they would have finished off his outfit perfectly! Everyone that came to the party did a great job with their costumes and all of the kids had a blast playing in the bounce house for hours, eating pizza and cookies, and for the most part having fun with each other. The boys are at such a great age now that, other than helping them get their food, they pretty much entertained themselves the entire evening and had pretty spectacular behavior too! It was a great night and we stayed way too late enjoying the festivities. At the end of the night Tio even gave a "hayride" to the handful of kids that were still there.

Bowser, Mario, and Toad

Princess Peach with Toad and Mario

The Johnsons - Mama Shark, Nemo, Daddy Narwahl, Scuba Jeffrey
The Burchetts - A Scarecrow and his Pumpkins

The Parkinsons - Lady Bug Girls and Bumble Bee Boys

Baby Matchmaking - Emma and Ben

First half of the Rodriguez family - Explorer and Dino

Second half of the Rodriguez Family - Another Explorer and Another Dino

The Martinez Family - Throwback to the 60s

The Thiessens - Kitty, Doggy, and a shy kitten

The Ravens - A Ghost and his Boos

The Parkinsons - Skeletons and Ladybugs

Kieran trying to charm Clara - he has a huge crush!
First part of The Mount Family - A Walker and a Cupcake

Part 2 of the Mount Family - Henry the Golfer

Part 3 of The Mount Family - The Cupcake again and another walker

Spikeball in Costumes

C and Zach

The Ketelsens - Farmer Chelsea and her Pumpkins

Tio's Hayride

Baby Zach

Night Owls in the Bounce House

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