Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Friday, September 25, 2015


It is hard having Birthdays so close together and this year was especially weird because the night before Jon's Birthday I went to a Grandma Baby Shower for Aunt Penny so we let him quickly open gifts before I headed out. The next day, Jon's actual Birthday, Reed was Birthday VIP at school so we all went as a family and got to sing Birthday songs, have Reed bring a special book to share with the class, and later in the morning the kids all got popsicles to celebrate. Mrs. Koch did offer Jon a crown to wear when she found out it was his Birthday too, but he quickly declined. We gave Jon big hugs and kisses good bye after preschool and didn't see him until the next day because his friends had planned a special video game/nerd fest afternoon and evening for him. He had a great time but we both said how weird it felt not to be together on his Birthday. The next day was Saturday and Reed's kids party so we didn't really get to celebrate Jon much until after the party and even then he just opened cards/gifts, the boys had a dance party using a musical card, and we caught up on the previous day.

You may recall last year I threw Jon and Reed a surprise "In-between Birthday" on the day that falls in between their Birthdays. This year, about a month before his Birthday, Reed started asking me about his and Dad's In-between Birthday and I realized I had probably created a fun tradition on accident (and some additional work for myself). I told him Kieran and I would do another In-between party for him and Dad if they return the favor and do an In-between party for me and K next month since our Birthdays fall exactly one month apart. Of course my Little Party Planner was game so I started planning party number two for the weekend. I tried to pick out something he and Jon both like so I went with Super Mario Brothers since Reed's favorite reward is watching Jon play video games. To say he loved the theme is an understatement and we had a really fun night (minus a couple of spills) of hanging out, making homemade pizza, and yes, playing video games.

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