Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Summer Catch-Up Round Two

It seems like Summer flew by so quickly - Reed officially started preschool last week, tree fruit harvest is almost over, and I've started to think about Kieran's second Birthday!!! We've had a lot of fun so here's a glimpse of what we've been up to, at least according to the pictures on my iPhone.

Dropping Big Brother off at Summer school

Saying goodbye to the crib they each used as babies
- it now belongs to Auntie M
Getting to hold Baby Emmett
Teeth Brushing
Dog Walking

Zoofari (ice cream at the zoo) Night with C, Tio, and Lyla - we brought sorbet for Reed

Hanging out with Dodger while some work was being done in the backyard

Park Date with Shannon, Baby Emmett, and Clara

More park play, after hanging in the stroller while Mom runs
Outdoor dinner with Lyla
Kieran on the Big Boy swing at the park
Reed insisting on the toddler swing at the park

Meeting Baby Brinley and spending the night with
the rest of the Kauks and the Ketelsens

Reed and Clara at the park

Shannon with three kids - Baby Emmett is hiding under that blanket

Drinking out of a Big Boy cup
A visit from Aunt Di Di

Mom and Reed lunch date at In-N-Out
A visit from G-Momma

Playing with Pepe's glasses

First day of "official" preschool for Reed!!!

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